Simor, P., Ko Koteles, F., Sa ́ndor, P., Petke, Z. & Bo ́dizs, R. (2011). Mindfulness and dream quality: The inverse relationship between mindfulness and negative dream affect. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 52, 369–375.
“Their results indicated that mindfulness was related to positive sleep quality, and these benign effects on sleep mediated higher levels of well-being.” (2011)
This quote could possibly correlate to dreams but may not help much because I am now thinking about researching the differences between male and female’s dreams and interpretation. This article/quote could possibly help me in the conclusion of my paper, but it would not have a major part or effect on my paper overall. When I make a final decision on my actual research question then I can decipher if this quote will be useful to me. If I decide to do my paper on a broader aspect of dreams then this article to turn out to be extremely useful.
Blume-Marcovici, A. (2010). Gender differences in dreams: Applications to dream work with male clients. Dreaming Vol. 20, Issue 3. 199-210
“One hypothesis is that having an interest in dreams affects one’s ability to recall dreams…[Do] men express less interest in dreams because they recall fewer dreams or [do] they recall fewer dreams because of a lack of interest?” (2010)
I knew I wanted to write my research paper about dreams, but I just didn’t know exactly what I wanted to write about them. Now after a broad search on dreams on line at the UW-Madison library website I’ve decided that I am going to do the differences between male and female’s dreams. This article is perfect for this because it addresses dream work, specifically with males. This question it is asking could possibly even become a thesis for me. This article really made me more interested in the topic and seems like a better research question because it is less broad.
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